
Meeting 2: Looking at our World

Goal: Before we start looking at other countries, other cultures and Global Issues, let's look at the earth as a whole to get an image of the kind of planet we live in.
  1. Try the geography challenge for your region again. Were you able to identify more countries this time?
  2. Fill in the information on this sheet by yourself. As a group, discuss what you think the answers might be. Lastly, watch the movie If the world were 100 people and compare your answers to the real ones. (To view the movie on the internet, you might have to download the Adobe Flash Player Plug-in) . Did the results of the movie meet your expectations? Please explain. (Write this as a comment in the blog. Next time we will discuss it in MMCE)
Next Meeting: Can we make a difference? and getting along with different cultures.

19 件のコメント:

  1. I really felt "I should appriciate what I have". To be able to learn ,to be able to live safety, to eat lunch ,everything what I do everyday is to appriciate.
    I'm surprised about the fact that only 1 person would have acollege education.
    I felt I shouldn't skip classes.

  2. The results was pretty different from what I'd expected. I thought I needed studying more about the world.As you know, Japanese is very rich country compared to the other countries. We should think about our way to live.Don't we waste anything? There is something we can do for our world, isn't?

  3. We watched the movie "If the world were 100 people" in the last class. The situations are very different from my expectation. I was surprised at knowing that there are 50% males and 50% females. And I was very shocked to know the real. We can spend the daily life easily but there are a lot of people who cannot live safely. I think we must consider about the world to be able to live together.

  4. Hi I'm Tom. Watching the movie, I thought that we grew up in good environment. I expeced there were fifty people educated at a middle or highschool. But in fact, there were only seven people. In our life, we go to school and learn many things. It is common for us. But I think we should think there are a lot of children they couldn't learn in good environment.

  5. I'm aroma.
    Watching this movie,I was sad and shocked about differences of environment to live and educational systems. As usual, we have a good time everyday.It's natural.So I must look around the world,and expand my thoughts.Because we live in the same world,so we should help each other.First,I want to inspect environments of our lives.

  6. Watching the movie,"If the world were 100 people",I was so sursrpsie and shoked. To my surprised, It is too small to have college education in this world. However, the number of people living in urban area is bigger than our expectation.
    I realized that I don't know real world at all.

  7. Sorry!!I made the first comment!!

  8. Our answer about population was almost crrect!

    If the world were 100 people, 18 people not have clean, safty water, and some people are dying because of starvation. But 15 people would be overwaight!!

    In this world, many people are suffering from lack of food and safty water. On the other hand, some people are taking too much food.

    Why there are the GAPs such as this???

  9. I was surprised to watch the movie.The results were different from my expectations.In particular,I was shocked about military expenditures the villedge spends because they were about 10 times as large as spending on development aid.I thought the day might not come when there is no war.

  10. I was very surprised at the movie.
    Because the movie was really speedy and it was different from my thoughts.
    I thought "It's impossible that threre's only one person in Oceania!"

  11. I'm pocchama.I was shocked at the video because it was far from my expectations.I took it for granted that we have food to eat,house to live in,and good environment to receive eduvations.I realized that we can do something more for people in other countries who are struggling with many problems.

  12. i am mostly shocked by the defference of education, because in our country there are more and more children who can get the chance of education, especially the number of college graduated students has 500 millions every year in recent years. For these the chance of getting a job is changing more and more rare. So what it is the value that you can have a college education and have a bachelor degree. Many people don't think that is good methods to get a job and good income. So what is the value of reading books in the college,in which you must spend a lot of
    money and time. But there are many young people,whose families are lived in countries and have not enough money for the education’是s fee, don‘t have the chance of entering the colleges‘ gate too. These people almost is 80% of the young people. It‘s a paradox in the contemporary societ. But the most important problem is the graduated students that don't think or realize the problems of the situation and reasons;or don't know how to do change these. In fact, there is no one to support them to think and do something, because it is very dangerous that the students have good judgement and the ability of action.

    i think i should do more to understand the quickly changing social problem and shout my opinion for still more people to attention to and solve these as if other problem we are facing to now. (by David)

  13. I'm 3i0n.
    The movie,If the world were 100people,was different from my expectations. And I was surprised at the results. Now we live in the age of internationalization.But there is a widening gap between rich and poor.
    What we can do to solve this problem?

  14. I thought that "Aged" was many because there are many aged people in Japan, but in fact it was only 7 people. I supposed that Japanese are fortunate.

  15. I'm Bolero.
    I was disappointed with myself after watching the video. Because I realized I hadn't undrestood the acual state around the world. The result that I was the most surprised at is the number of people who are educated at a secondary level. In Japan, we all have the right to receive an equal education. So, over 90 percent of Japanese people go to a high school. Until now, I've thought it's natural that we can go to a high school. But, the video had me realize there were lots of people who couldn't get an education at a secondary level.
    We need to think what we can do for those people.

  16. I have heard of the title called If the world were 100 people, but it was my first time to watch.
    I thought the population of Muslim and HIV would be more because of the media influence.
    For most Japanese people, the result will be shocking. The value of inner happiness of people in the world can't be counted by number.
    This reminds me of one girl's comment from Nepal. She says, " I put off the flashlight while the moon is shining, because I show respect on the kindness of the moon."
    I belong to Disease Member. My name is Gwen from Shiwa-cho.

  17. I'm Aimi.
    I watched the movie and the results was different from my expectations.
    I surprised the item of education and computer.I think that it because we are living a comfortable life.Actually we presumed the world only our viewpoints.So I haven't known the real world yet.

  18. Hello! I'm panda.
    We had few correct answers when we filled in the information on "If the World were 100 people" sheet by ourselves. And I was surprised to find many people live poor life. I am puzzled at this reality.

  19. I'm sayahh.
    When I watched this movie,I was very surprised.
    I have read the book "If the World were 100 people",but I couldn't answer correctly.
    I thought that there is more person who have HIV.Because the mass media always says "HIV is increasing!"

    And I thought very interesting that men and women's population is half and half.That's Unbilievable!
