
Meeting 5: Culture and Cultural Phenonmenon

Note: For the past couple of years I have been discussing the same cultural theory for MMCE primarily referencing Geert Hofstede. This year, I have decided to alter the content and look at culture from a more complete perspective by incorporating other theories into the introduction of culture. I hope that you all find this meeting interesting and useful.

Our Objective: Understand the profound influence culture can have on the way we behave and our outlook on the world.

Today's co-Facilitators: Sayah and Panda

1. Review of Meeting 4:
  • What did you think about the other culture you met last week? Please say some key words.
  • Why did you say such words?
  • What could you have done to make your first meeting better?

  • 2. An Introduction to Culture
    a) What is culture?
    b)The Culture Pyramid
    c) Cultural Phenomenon: products, practices, perspectives, communities, persons,

    The Iceberg Model of Culture drawn by Panda


    Practices:(We finished our meeting at this point)




    Next Meeting: We will finish pracices, communities, perspectives and persons and then introduce basic information from out countries.
    Next Meeting's Facilitators: Bolero and Pocchama

    Sources used for today's meeting are below:

    Banks, J. (2003). Multicultural Education. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
    Hall, E. (1959). The Silent Language. Connecticut: Greenwood Press, Publishers.
    Moran, P. (2001). Teaching Culture. Australia: Heinle & Heinle.
    Neuliep, J. (2002). Intercultural Communication: A Contextual Approach. California: Sage Publications.
    Thompson, N. (2003). Communication and Language: A Handbook of Theory and Practice. Palgrave Macmillan.

    1 件のコメント:

    1. It was difficult for me to explain by English. But MMCE members understood what to do. Thank you very much! I have advice for next facilicators. I think you should understand what to do enough before MMCE class. Then you will be able to explain smoothly.
